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What happens if I don't have a specific background?

If you don't have a specific background, don't worry! In the analysis form, you can select the option Predefined in the Background provider field. When you select this option, LIPEA will use all the pathways available for the selected organism.

What kind of data can I use?

You can use your lipidomic data in the followings formats:

Abbreviation format

  • Cer
  • DAG 36:2
  • PC O- 18:2

SwissLipids format

  • SLM:000117135
  • SLM:000117138
  • SLM:000117133

LipidMaps format

  • LMGP01020182
  • LMGP01030118
  • LMGP01020029

HMDB format

  • HMDB08743
  • HMDB07921
  • HMDB08433

KEGG format

  • C00165
  • C06437
  • C00641

ChEBI format

  • 64615
  • 17855
  • 77447

In the analysis form, you can paste your lipids list in the text area or upload a file (.tsv, .csv, .txt or MS Excel) with your lipids in a column.

How can I see and save my results?

When the analysis is complete, the server will show you in a table a list of pathways, in which a sub-set of the tested lipids are over-represented.

This table contains all the information about the pathways, related with your lipids.

  • Pathway name: Name of the pathway as a link to the KEGG webpage.
  • Pathway lipids: Number of lipids that are in the pathway.
  • Converted lipids (number): Number of converted lipids that are in the pathway (intersection between converted lipids and lipids in the pathway).
  • Converted lipids (percentage): Percentage of the converted lipids in the pathway (regarding with the total of converted lipids).
  • Converted lipids (list): KEGG IDs of converted lipids present in the pathway.
  • p-value: Unadjusted p-value.
  • Benjamini correction: p-value adjusted with Benhamini's correction.
  • Bonferroni correction: p-value adjusted with Bonferroni's correction.

In the upper right corner of the table you can find a button to download your results.

Why don't I obtain any result?

You can get no results in two ways:

  1. If the server doesn't find any pathway in which a sub-set of the tested lipids are over-represented.
  2. If you selected a wrong format for your lipid and/or your background lists.

What happend if my organism in study is not present in the predefined background?

If your organism is not present in the predefined background you can send us an request using our contact form with its name and we will upload the information in a period of 24 hours.

Why in the analysis form do you request my email?

We request your email to send you a link with your result when the analysis is complete.

Please, note that this information is OPTIONAL and you can provide your email just if you want.

If you provided your email, DON'T BE SCARED. This information is only to generate a report of your analysis. We will not send you spam or unwanted emails.

Do you have more question or suggestions?